Do You See What I See?

Blue Grass Ranch
September 2022

I spotted this tree when my nephew was giving my sister, my brother-in-law and me a tour of the ranch that he manages, and I asked him to stop so I could snap a photo. 

The large rock at the base of the lone tree looked like a large bull resting in the sunshine. 

Do you see what I see?


  1. The resting bison is easily spotted! Cool photo!

  2. I see a ram. We are in Arizona so there are big sheep!

  3. I was thinking a big dog ...............a Clifford kind of dog.

  4. Isn't nature amazing?! I did see it.

  5. I saw it before I even read your post. Very neat. I love seeing things like that in nature. The Black Hills is another place I see a lot of rock formations that remind me of things.
    Blessings and hugs,

  6. I see it! And Feedly asked me if the post was about animals so I was primed.

  7. What a fabulous find! You always remind me to 'stop and smell the roses' attention to this beautiful world :-)

  8. Yes I can, doesn't it look great!

  9. Nice photo! It sure does look like a bull. What happened when you walked a lot closer?


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