Not Just Today . . .

. . . but everyday:

tell family and friends 
how much you love 
and appreciate them!


  1. Absolutely!! Love you and Happy Valentine's!!!

  2. How very true!
    Nancy, I love and appreciate all of your work done on behalf of QOV! You are an encouraging and kind person!

  3. Happy Valentine's Day. ♥♥♥♥♥

  4. A good reminder!! I'm guilty of not thinking of saying it often enough.

  5. Great advice! Happy Valentine's Day to you, too.

  6. Now more than ever. None of us are promised more than today and that feels suddenly very urgent.
    Happy Valentine's Day!

  7. Happy Valentines Day! I appreciate you and our friendship!

  8. Very true. These days especially we never know what will happen next. We need to always tell those we love how we feel about them. Happy Valentines Day Nancy!

  9. Nancy I consider you a dear friend. I hope you had agood Va1entines day. We had a quiet day but were happy to have each other . It is very dear to have someone with you during this pandemic. I consider our b1ogs part of our survive and thrive support. I had a bit of white choco1ate and choco1ate yesterday. Mmmm. A specia1 treat indeed

  10. Very important words. Hum should I wake up hubby and tell him now? No, think I’ll wait til morning! B


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