Down Country Roads

Down Country Roads
58 x 73 inches
Quilt of Valor #215

Since the pickup panel was large (34 x 40.5 inches), I used a pattern designed for a large horizontal panel — Call of the Wild - Bison by Kari Nichols of Mountainpeek Creations. The pattern was free a few years ago on the Hoffman Fabrics website, but it is no longer available. 

I widened the borders to meet the QOV size requirements This panel was donated by my friends, Sue and Bert O. 


  1. Love how you put it together. The sections above and below give it a western feel.

  2. A western feel - exactly what I was thinking too. Good choice of design for that panel. Some veteran will absolutely LOVE this one!

  3. The black print borders really set off the panel nicely.

  4. Love that truck....(haha... looking at your title I thought you had a little trip down country roads:)))

  5. That came together nicely! That border is an eye catcher.

  6. Great additions to the panel. Every time I see one of your panels I want to go look at the few I have. I'm trying not to as I don't need to start anything yet! Ha. I may hold strong but I'm not holding my breath!

  7. What a fun and beautiful quilt! You are amazing. I am sure you have made the day for lots of recipients of your lovely QUV creations!

  8. This one turned out to be a delectable top for QoV!


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