FreshCut Paper - a review

pretty, paper bouquet 
February 2022

I rarely click on any ads I see on Facebook, but I couldn’t resist checking out the FreshCut Paper advertisement (FYI: I am not being compensated for this review) that I saw before Valentine’s Day. 

Fresh flowers rarely last long, but they always lift me up. However, one downside to fresh flowers is that their fragrance sometimes trigger my allergies. On a whim, I ordered two bouquets from FreshCut Paper: one for myself; one for my niece. I thought the daisy bouquet would be perfect for my winter weary soul.

The bouquet arrived in a sturdy envelope with the flowers tucked inside another envelope. The pink envelope shown above contained the bouquet and could be used to send the flowers to another person. Unfortunately, multiple bouquets can only be mailed to a single address, so I purchased Brenda’s flowers in a different order than mine and had them mailed directly to her home.

I was not aware of the company’s policy of planting a tree for each bouquet ordered until I saw it on the outer sleeve. 

The flowers are presented as a true bouquet, and there is an enclosed card. For five additional dollars, the card can be personalized for a order sent directly to another person, or as I stated earlier, you can send the flowers to your own address, sign the card, and then send or deliver the bouquet yourself. 

I’m pleased with the quality of the product. I wish it was not quite as flat on the back, but as you can see in the mirror, the arrangement is pretty all the way around. 

A variety of arrangements are available on the website (FreshCut Paper). I thought the flowers were reasonably priced at $12, plus postage. 

As I stated earlier, I am just a satisfied customer of FreshCut Paper. I was not and will not be compensated for my recommendation. 

Have you discovered any new products lately that you love?


  1. That is just beautiful! It would make a lovely gift. I'll have to bookmark them for birthdays. My DILs would love something like that and I never know what to get them.

  2. They look beautiful. I may have to try this for Holbie next month. How long did it take to receive the order?

  3. Oh they are beautiful ❤️... sound like a wonderful thing to be able to do !

  4. I haven't made any impulse purchases lately, but am often a little "freaked out" by how ads for things pop up on Facebook or Amazon - for items I have been thinking about, but hadn't researched. We don't even have Alexa to listen in.

  5. These are beautiful!!!! I sent a bouquet to my Mom but I didn't get to see them in person! lol

  6. Those are beautiful! I just send a bouquet of fresh flowers to our friends in Spokane for their anniversary on Friday. They didn't look anything like what I ordered on FTD and the photo she sent me after they arrived showed already wilting flowers! For $85.00!!!!!! I would much rather send the flowers you have. They'll last forever and have a memory attached. Thanks for sharing this Nancy.
    Blessings and hugs,

  7. They are so pretty. That will certainly brighten up any wintery day.

  8. Those are nice! I've made paper flowers but of course they don't nearly as good as 'professionals'.

  9. The price is right. I'm going to check it out!

  10. What a great idea! And your bouquet is just lovely Nancy.

  11. Glad to see your personal review. I’ve seen the ads also. Although I’m not sure they were bouquets of flowers. I’m thinking they were 3 D cards.

  12. Wow they are very pretty! Yes we discovered rechargeable hand warmers...they are coming in a day or two:)


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