Pop Warriors

Xi’an Mickey Inflatable
by Lizabeth Eva Rossof
on display University of Wyoming Art Museum
February 2022

Pop Warriors have been on display at the University of Wyoming Art Museum since August, and I finally saw them on Friday afternoon. The warriors are constructed from nylon by a company that makes bouncy castles, and are inflated by electric fans. Most of the warriors are over twelve feet tall. 

Also on display were Bart (Simpson), Batman, Shrek, and Spiderman. 

A brochure at the exhibit said the original Pop Warriors were made in Xi’an of the same clay and earth as other replica souvenirs of the Xi’an warriors. 

It was an interesting exhibit, but if I hadn’t read the brochure that explained her concept and the development of the warriors, I doubt I would have spent much time viewing them. 


  1. Never heard of these!! Interesting, but they don't really appeal to me.

  2. Hmmm - interesting and worth going to see. Probably would appeal more to a younger audience of true fans of the characters.

  3. Epcot center has a display with replicas of the originals and it was amazing. I really felt like I was in China. I think these are really fun and a big improvement over the inflatables that are still hanging out in my neighborhood that are left over from Christmas. Ugh. These I wouldn't mind seeing on a regular basis-giant Rudolph...not so much lol...

  4. How interesting!!... I like Mickey...hahah

  5. How wonderful and slightly weird. I was hoping to see Shrek, one of my favorite characters of all time. And then I realized he was the first one on the right front. Hum, he loses some of his appeal not being green.

  6. Interesting but kind of odd too. I've never heard of them before.

  7. That's a riot!

    When Stephen was in middle school the Clay Warriors of China exhibit was at the Orlando Museum of Art. Along with the clay warriors were metal works and porcelain vessels. It was simply awe inspiring.

    Seeing your funny little blow ups of the warriors made my day.

  8. Not much color to really bring them to life. I bet it was nice to get out and about!

  9. Now this had to be a fun display--the work that goes into this is astounding!


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