Ear Worm Warning

Ahh, the memories! 

Did people really dress like that in the 70s?  

Did I? 

Did you?


  1. That's hilarious and yes, we probably did dress like that! I know Dennis had a rust colored leisure suit! Ha!

  2. Always loved that song.
    I have a picture of Mom in a wedding in the late 70s (she was maid of honour) and the dresses they wore were hilarious - complete with big floppy hats! It definitely wasn't the best decade for fashion.

  3. LOL
    Each decade has it's own strange fashion statement for sure!

  4. Yes we did and I have the photos to prove it! I used to cringe when I saw them but now I just admire how brave I was to get up every morning and walk out the door looking like that. I actually miss the hair. My long bushy perm was easy to take care of. I even saw 3 Dog Night in concert. It was one of those dates I'd rather forget. That guy was a real jerk.

  5. Yes I did dress like that - and like Araignee I have photos to prove it. I had long straight hair that I could sit on, and skirts so short I almost couldn't. LOL

  6. Yes long hair and short skirts! Far Guy had a few wild shirts and a snazzy denim leisure suit:)

  7. Those were the days, weren't they? Fun memories, too!

  8. Yep folks did dress like that. I remember bell bottom pants, short skirts, and long hair. I was in college in Los Angeles during early 70s. Check Haight Ashbury and Woodstock to find more from flower children and hippies. Love that song to this day.

  9. Yes I DID! When I cou1d. I wore a uniform most days for Catho1ic schoo1.

  10. It's how I dressed-it made sense at the time! lol

  11. Definitely dressed that way! And I still listen to Three Dog Night. I'm an old hippie at heart.

  12. Oh, the thoughts of what I wore in the 70s just make me shake my head these days. Bell bottoms with impossibly small rises (buttons, not zippers), super short shorts in the summer, and clogs (Olaf Daughters).

  13. P.S. Three Dog Night was the very first concert I ever went to in Philadelphia.

  14. Some people dressed like that, but not me. I hate slinky fabric. I was into jeans and flannel shirts.


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