Ear Worm Warning

Ahh, the memories! 

Did people really dress like that in the 70s?  

Did I? 

Did you?


  1. That's hilarious and yes, we probably did dress like that! I know Dennis had a rust colored leisure suit! Ha!

  2. Always loved that song.
    I have a picture of Mom in a wedding in the late 70s (she was maid of honour) and the dresses they wore were hilarious - complete with big floppy hats! It definitely wasn't the best decade for fashion.

  3. LOL
    Each decade has it's own strange fashion statement for sure!

  4. Yes we did and I have the photos to prove it! I used to cringe when I saw them but now I just admire how brave I was to get up every morning and walk out the door looking like that. I actually miss the hair. My long bushy perm was easy to take care of. I even saw 3 Dog Night in concert. It was one of those dates I'd rather forget. That guy was a real jerk.

  5. Yes I did dress like that - and like Araignee I have photos to prove it. I had long straight hair that I could sit on, and skirts so short I almost couldn't. LOL

  6. Yes long hair and short skirts! Far Guy had a few wild shirts and a snazzy denim leisure suit:)

  7. Those were the days, weren't they? Fun memories, too!

  8. Yep folks did dress like that. I remember bell bottom pants, short skirts, and long hair. I was in college in Los Angeles during early 70s. Check Haight Ashbury and Woodstock to find more from flower children and hippies. Love that song to this day.

  9. Yes I DID! When I cou1d. I wore a uniform most days for Catho1ic schoo1.

  10. It's how I dressed-it made sense at the time! lol

  11. Definitely dressed that way! And I still listen to Three Dog Night. I'm an old hippie at heart.

  12. Some people dressed like that, but not me. I hate slinky fabric. I was into jeans and flannel shirts.


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