Time Away

rugged mountains surrounded
the house and outbuildings 
September 2021

I spent last week at my nephew’s house with my sister and brother-in-law. Marilyn and I packed sewing machines, fabric and all the essentials for a quilting retreat, and her husband was our cook. My nephew is a ranch manager, and he graciously let us invade and set up shop in his home. 

The ranch is somewhat isolated, and the landscape is rugged: the mountains are practically solid rock. Dwight’s horse and border collie are essential in helping him gather and monitor cattle scattered hither and yon on the ranch. 

The ranch also has a small flock of hair sheep that do not require shearing, as they shed their wooly covering. I was not aware such breeds existed and discovered they are raised for meat and for their hides. 

I snapped a photo through the window as the sheep munched on the grass and weeds behind the house. You can see some still have remnants of their “wool” attached to their backs. 

small flock of hair sheep

Marilyn and I got quite a bit done during the week on the ranch. 


  1. What a nice change of scenery and spending time with family.

  2. Oh, what a wonderful time away for you!!! Sounds like such a balm for your soul!
    And a bonus of sewing/quilting time! I'm happy for you!

  3. A quilting retreat on a mountainous ranch sounds amazing! I’m glad you had such a great getaway.
    How frustrating that you cannot worship in person. I am endlessly puzzled by people’s reluctance to believe the science.

  4. How fun for you! I miss our days staying at Dennis's cousins lodge between Buffalo and Jackson Hole. They had to sell it a couple of years ago because of getting older and not being able to do the upkeep on a building that big. It's only been a short time and I'm missing "my" mountains of E. Washington and Idaho. They grow into your soul.
    It sounds as if your guys are very supportive of you and your sisters hobby.

  5. Sounds like a wonderful get-away in beautiful country. I've never heard of that particular type of sheep either - interesting. How nice that you had a cook as well! If I remember correctly, he has cooked for you in the past.

  6. That sounds like heaven! What gorgeous views. I can only imagine all that clean, cool air. We're still too hot and humid out here on the east coast. I remember when September was a nice month for weather. Not anymore. It's too darn muggy and buggy.

  7. Wow I bet that was fun, sewing, great company, wonderful views and a Border Collie to pet AND a cook!! So glad you got to go! I am just going to a lakeside cottage and will help cook a bit :)

  8. oh that sounds fun!!!!!!! What a gift to see sheep! and to have someone cook for you!! Great vacation

  9. I think that would be so much fun! I love seeing the sheep. I thought all sheep had to be sheard. That’s pretty interesting to find out there are different types. Hugs,

  10. This post is giving me all kinds of "Yellowstone" vibes but how fun!

  11. Sounds like a wonderful get-away. I had heard of hair sheep but have never seen any. When we were farming we had a large sheep herd (750+ ewes), mostly Suffolk and some Hampshires. Not the smartest animals on earth, but I really did enjoy working with them.

  12. What fun! And relaxing. I had never heard of "hair sheep." Thank you the information.

  13. That sounds lime fun, stitching in such an interesting environment. And having all the meals cooked was quite the bonus! I hadn't heard of hair sheep before. We have lots of wooly sheep here in New Zealand, bred for both their wool and meat.

  14. What a neat location for a "retreat". I didn't no about those sheep either. Lamb used to be a favorite of mine. I'm not great cooking chops but I enjoy them at restaurants sometime. I'm looking forward to seeing what you got done. Wait, no pictures of the horse and dog?? I'm a sucker for a dog! Glad you had fun.


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