Can You Relate?

I’m running and sneezing a lot these days! 


  1. Oh yes, but my allergies are usually calming down by mid-October.

  2. And wonder what I'm allergic to. And very glad I don't have COVID!!

  3. Yep. Me too and if you happen to blow your nose in public the nasty looks you get these days are NOT fun. Sometimes I want to call out, everything is not covid. People still have allergies and regular colds too.

  4. It's tough here, too! Old noses don't need much of an excuse to run, anyways! lol

  5. Yep. Not only me but my poor dog. If I don't watch her every second she will chew herself to pieces. Every fall. Ugh.

  6. Steve and I can relate. Even GIROUX can relate.

    Steve has always had seasonal allergies. I never have before. This is whole new territory for me and I'm not liking it. Poor Giroux . . . his nose gets so stuffy and I notice it on days when we have been sneezing/coughing. I'm pretty sure it's allergies for him too.

  7. Oh yes. But so far we are so dry here there is not the usual mold issues. I'm not even sneezing yet.
    Sorry Nancy!

  8. Yes, I have a running nose...never leave the house without a kleenex in my pocket and always try to check the clothes before going into the washer as I hate to wash kleenex:(


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