Speedy Delivery

unique mailbox
Laramie, WY
September 2021

Have you seen any unique mailboxes in your community?


  1. I haven't seen any unique ones lately, but there was a mailbox that looked like a big fish along a road I used to travel frequently for work.

  2. I have not seen any here, but the other night, a person mowed down two mailboxes in a row! Geesh!!!

  3. Clever and cute! there is a mailbox across the stree from my dentist that looks like a seal standing on its tail!

  4. That is SO cute!

    I haven't seen any interesting boxes here, but in Jacksonville Beach there were a lot of really artistic boxes. St. Augustine had one that was a replica of the lighthouse. It was really well done.

    Here, it is mostly the plain rural boxes you see everywhere.

  5. That's cute! We don't have house-to-house delivery in our town - we all have to pick up from the post office.

  6. Now that is very clever!!! I must admit, I would worry about vandalism on our country road but I sure can admire the beauty of this if I lived in town, I would try it!

  7. Oh, wow....that is just so cool!

  8. Now that is so cute! Just like Mr. Rogers Neighborhood. I can see Mr. McFeely riding that bike! I'm afraid that there are no interesting ones around here that I've seen.

  9. That is so cute! Not quite the same, but we have a mai1boat that deIivers mai1 to the docks on the big 1ake. Kids try out to be runners. The boat is a tour and peop1e watch to see if the runner can jump the boat, put the mai1 in and jump back on without the boat stopping!

  10. Some people have big fish that are mail boxes...other than that I have not seen any real cool ones! Love the bike!


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