Look Closely . . .

sign on a Colorado golf course
June 2020

I'm grateful my niece Brenda has a sharp eye and shares photos of the crazy things she spots. 

I can't believe no one checks signs for errors before they are posted. 


  1. That is so funny - and then again sad that it wasn't caught. Wonder how many people actually saw the sign before it was put in the ground?

  2. I had to read it twice before I saw the typo! Our brains read what it should be! Nice addition to the fun bloopers!

  3. LOL

    Sadly, there are a lot more of those errors these days. Either people really can't spell or they really don't care.

  4. I think people rely so much on spell check that they've forgotten how to spell. Sometimes my fingers move so fast when I'm typing that I transpose letters. I try to go back and check before hitting send or publish, but probably miss a few too.

  5. Oh good grief. I often see misspelled words on net work news shows. I wonder if anyone besides one person even looks. I also see a lot of misspelling on on line news articles but I think that might be trying to rush out the news. My pet peeve is “a lot” for a lot.

  6. Wow. proofreading is a lost art, apparently.


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