Storm Aftermath

unloading storm debris at one of four sites in Laramie
June 2020

Last week's storm dropped up to 8 inches of wet, heavy snow on Laramie. The trees were fully leafed out, and the weight of the snow broke branches and damaged trees throughout town. The city designated four areas for residents to drop off branches and green debris created by the storm. 

Clean up started on Tuesday and continued through the week. Pickups and trailers loaded with branches made trip after trip to the drop-off sites. 

storm debris mound at one of four locations
Laramie, WY
June 2020

The photo shows only a small portion of the mountain of branches at one of the drop-off areas. The debris pile was easily over 100 yards long and 30 yards wide. 


  1. I remember you posting about the storm and saying branches were snapping under the weight of the snow, but I hadn't realized how extensive the damage was. What a shame.

  2. Mother nature is a force to be reckoned with, that's for sure!

  3. Never thought about having to designate a place to bring the debris to. Did a lot of damage.

  4. We went through that in 2004 after 3 hurricanes hit our area in 2004. I can't even remember how many loads we hauled down to the state park where they set up a dump site. The worst thing was the smell of all that rotting stuff.

    I'm so sorry your area had such damage.

  5. I always hate seeing trees damaged by Mother Nature like that. We had wind last week that did a lot of similar damage, but thankfully not that much. In November 2005 we had an ice storm that totally decimated our area. Thousands of trees and power poles came down. We had no power for 3-4 days but some had no power for over 2 weeks.

  6. Oh, no. How terrible. We get those wet, heavy snows here too that pull everything down sometimes but never in June. That must have been crazy. I saw it on the weather channel and couldn't believe how much snow people are getting out west. It's been weirdly cold here too. Not sure what's up with that and maybe I don't really want to know. lol...

  7. End of season snows are tough for everyone and everything!
    Wow, what a pile of debris!

  8. The poor trees. Does the city/county shed the trees for mulch? That’s what happens around here with Christmas trees. I imagine your clean up would take a lot of shredding or chipping time though.

  9. That's so sad. Those storms are a force to be reckoned with. We've had several like that and a horrible ice storm since we moved to Spokane. I would love to live somewhere without snow and ice but I don't think Nebraska will be too much different.

  10. Oh no. That's devastation from mother Nature. Glad your home was spared!!! Silly doesnt know what season it is!

  11. What a sad way the trees were pruned...old Mother Nature did here thing:(

  12. Wow, snow in June? That is crazy -- as if the world isn't crazy enough. Glad that you are safe!

  13. I had heard that parts of the west got snow. I'm always sad when trees get damaged from late snowstorms. We will occasionally get ice storms that will do heavy damage to trees.


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