Bleak yet Beautiful

Houses in the Snow
Norway 1895
Claude Monet
as seen at the Denver Art Museum
November 2019
In an earlier post, I mentioned being surprised that Monet had painted Winter scenes. The bleak landscape in this image reminds me isolated Wyoming ranches. Those who live in such areas are hardy and have a work ethic that is hard to match. They know that the animals come before their own creature comforts. They don't have set schedules for meals or bedtime: they work until the work is done - period. They work in miserable conditions, and the pay is minimal; yet it's a lifestyle they will fiercely defend.

photo courtesy of WYDOT


  1. That is a beautiful painting. Makes me think of Willa Cather (love her books).

  2. At first glance I was thinking "prairie winter" as well. It's beautiful. Was it is Giants in the Earth that the farm wife explained her loss of sanity by saying there's nothing to hide behind.

  3. You really have to be comfortable with your own company for long, LONG stretches to live like that.

  4. I didn't know he painted winter scenes either. I often wish we lived further out of town...but only in the summer. I think I would lose my mind in the winter. By the way, we got 6 more inches over night and it's snowing again. And I HAVE to go out this morning. I'm so ready for spring. Then I feel guilty because people tell me to enjoy each day whatever the season brings. I try. Really I do. But I detest snow and winter. :-)

  5. OH I must show my sister. She skipped painting class last night for good reason. She lived in COLORADO thanks

  6. How beautiful....look at those soft colors! What a contrast to the stark reality of winter in the wilderness! I wonder about the story of why Monet was there to paint such a scene?

  7. I've been watching You Tube videos from homesteaders that show this bleak environment in the winter. Warm and cozy is one thing but this is just scary to a city girl like me.

  8. Yes all farm kids knew the animals came first no matter the weather. Stay warm!

  9. Beautiful. I'm intrigued. I too had no idea that Monet painted winter scenes. You now have me turning down a rabbit trail, eager to know more. We get cold here too and I love this lifestyle, but I'm pretty sure Norway winters would be a challenge...brrr.


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