Tech Experts


  1. Isn't that the truth? I was just thinking I need to get Son over to teach how to use the smart TV. We've had it over a year and still can't figure it out.

  2. LOL... too funny and true! DH tells me I'm his tech support. He's in trouble.
    I just found out we could speak into our Firestick to find programming - courtesy of our son. ;)

  3. So true! I spent many years as a school district technology coordinator, and those students were often one step ahead of me in terms of security and getting past our content filters etc. But they often solved the little problems for teachers.

  4. I almost spit out my tea! This is SO true. So true it's painful. :-)

  5. So funny!!! So I'm asking all who I follow to tell me why when I go to your site I get an old post and have to refresh? HELP!


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