Welcoming 2020

Twenty, thirty, and even forty years ago, 2020 seemed lightyears away, but here we are opening the door to another decade, a decade filled with unimaginable events and inventions.

May 2020 will be filled with exciting adventures and endless possibilities for you and your loved ones.

Happy New Year!


  1. I remember how nervous everyone was about it turning 2000 and here we are at 2020. Happy new year to you!

  2. The decades just seem to blink ahead so quickly....
    happy new year and glad we get to share another year of blogging!

  3. Where does the time go? Here we are already in the "roaring" 20's which seemed like the jet age not so long ago. I'm still waiting for my robot maid and to be able to push a button and have a plate of food come out of a slot already cooked. Lol..

  4. Happiest of New Year's to you! (P.S. I love the stitchery photo.)

  5. 2020 - It doesn't seem possible, does it? Wishing you a healthy, happy New Year!

  6. Wow! 2020! It just doesn't seem possible. I'll be 60 this year. I remember reading 2020 as a child and thinking it seems light years away. Well, here we are. May it be a wonderful one.

  7. Happy new year and new decade, Nancy.

  8. Nancy, all the best to you in Wyoming this year!

  9. I remember when the year 2000 seemed forever away...and here we are in 2020. I hope this year is a good one for you.

  10. Never ever thought I would see 2020 it seemed so far away and now I am here. Happy New Year!


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