From My Perspective - Infant Carriers

random family
January 2020
This scene is one that makes me cringe, and I've seen it countless times in the last twenty years.

Why on earth do people put their babies on the floor in public places! The worst drafts in any building are near the floor, and babies have vulnerable immune systems. Many restaurants have high chairs that will easily hold an infant carrier and bring the baby up to table height. A chair could be used to get the carrier off of the floor if a high chair is not available.

When I volunteered at a hospital for several years, I saw some of the most ludicrous behavior as people left the hospital with infants in carriers. Some put the child on top of the car while they opened the door; some put the carrier on the ground by the exhaust. Really!!

I know infant carriers are convenient. I know they allow babies to sleep comfortably while their caregivers go from place to place. However, it appears that the the carriers allow the babies to be treated like a sack of potatoes and not the precious little humans that they are.

Am I the only one who thinks this behavior is troubling.

Disclaimer: I do not have children, so my point of view presented in this post is based merely on observations


  1. This is something I have never given much thought to but I see your point.

  2. I have to say when my babies were that small we mostly stayed home. I never even had a carrier like that. We only had strollers which kept them well off the floor. Heck, my dog has a better carrier than that-she has a!

  3. I think the carriers need to stay in the car! Hold the baby and if it is inconvenient to do so, stay home! You are not alone on this thought!

  4. I have also seen some crazy things done with these carriers. And I've seen some crazy things done with infants not in carriers. There are some very careless people out in the world.

  5. My guess is people don't even think about what is going on down at the floor level or by the car exhaust. A lot of restaurants have wooden baby seats that flip over so the carriers fit nicely or an older infant/toddler can sit in a seat.

  6. Nope. I find parenting skills these days to be abominable.

    One You Tuber leaves her baby IN the car while she "runs back in the house for just a minute". When called out on it, her answer was "what could happen?" You hear about "what could happen" on the news every day.

    Geez -- I sound like a old lady here, but so be it. I AM an old lady. LOL

  7. I have never thought about cold and draughts (not a mom), but you're right there. My first thought was... baby is in the way of every one walking by. They could easily be tripped over/hurt someone/be hurt themselves.
    Of course, I'm getting cynical in my old age, and it's starting to feel like no one is aware of anything going on around them but themselves these days. It's all about them

    The college where I take my French classes is a prime example. The entrance by my class is also the entrance closest to the city bus depot (it's literally 20 steps away) Instead of going outside, and standing in the HEATED bus shelters, they crowd the entrance and worse, sit on the stairs, blocking access to the classrooms. And you get the dirtiest looks when you say "excuse me" and ask people to move.

  8. Why? Answer = Ignorance. Many just don't know. It may seem like common sense. But as we all know, common sense is lacking in our society. My first thought when I saw this picture....someone knocking a hot cup of coffee off the table onto the baby.

  9. Oh boy, oh boy! You opened a can of worms didn't you? I agree whole-heartedly. I would worry about something falling off the table onto the baby, the toddler stepping backwards and falling on the baby, and on and on.
    People just seem to be sorely lacking in common sense these days. I think I'm getting old. I really try not to criticize, but really, safety is a very real concern.

  10. Oh Nancy! you are NOT alone. As a nurse I cringe when the baby is under a big heavy blanket while they are INSIDE a building with plenty of heat. As if moving the blanket will awaken the baby . They could turn blue and no one would see it. Babies are fragile in my mind. Those carriers belong in the car..period.

  11. Lots of non thinking parents out there. Sad.


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