Slow Down

northern Idaho
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  1. That is a great sign! My brother-in-law is a county sheriff locally and when putting accident records into the newspaper he sometimes refers to suicidal deer causing the accident. LOL

  2. We need one of those here. Also one for rabbits. I call them the Kamikaze Bunnies.

  3. I think that is the only kind we HAVE around here.

    (I noticed yesterday that one of our local parks is closed this season. They are having a deer hunt on the property. There are just too many deer. Sad in one way, but necessary when every day you see dead deer on the road.)

  4. My Dad once hit a deer with his motorcycle. Luckily, he wasn't hurt more than a few bruises, and we enjoyed a nice bit of venison that winter!

    Around my house, we mostly have suicidal squirrels - though there are lots of deer when you get out of the city. I was raised to watch out for them, but they can still pop out of ditches and surprise you.

  5. I wonder where in Northern Idaho? We definitely have suicidal deer up here. You see them next to the road everywhere. It's sad but there is such an over-population of them right now. I would rather see them hunted and the meat used to sustain a family than as road kill.

  6. We need that sign around here in Southwest Wisconsin.

  7. Ha! It sure does feel like that along some stretches of highway!


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