Christmas Countdown

Christmas Puzzle Challenge
Day 7
I'm trying a "new to me" Christmas Countdown activity this year, and so far I've been having fun with it. Each day of December, I reach into the 500 piece puzzle box and grab 20 pieces (500 divided by 25 = 20 pieces each day). Since this is the first time I've worked on a puzzle this way, I decided a 1000 piece puzzle would be too large and frustrating. 

The photo shows my progress as of December 7, 2019 when I had a total of 140 pieces. The goal of this activity is finish the puzzle by Christmas Day, adding 20 pieces each day.

It's been a fun way to countdown to Christmas.


  1. That's a fun idea! I have a new puzzle to work on but haven't gotten it started yet.

  2. That sounds like fun but challenging too. I would probably consistently grab pieces that don't go together and then have an entire puzzle to do the last two days. :-) . I have never been a puzzle person but my sister has one going on a table in her living room all of the time. She doesn't knit or crochet though and says it keeps her sane.

  3. I do that too. I have a Santa puzzle that I have done for more than 30 years. This will be the first year ever that it never came out to be worked on. It's just too precious to risk in this big remodeling mess. Next year.

  4. You have more patience than me. Doing jigsaws is not something I'm good at.

  5. I enjoy jigsaw puzzles, but I think doing one this way would be difficult and probably annoy me - lol!!

  6. I have never heard of this...this might be fun!

  7. That is a really neat idea, I'm going to have to try that. I got a quilt puzzle from my quilt guild Christmas party this year and I'm looking forward to putting it together.

  8. Very cool advent activity.

    Steve loves to do puzzles. Unfortunately, we have a puzzle piece thief living with us. (He also likes to chew them.) LOL

  9. That would never work here! We like puzzles too much so they are all consuming:)

  10. due to the kitties we don't do puzzles. Also Fireman cannot STOP when he starts lol. Have fun.

  11. Hum, looks like fun. But no doubt I would just keep going one of the days.

  12. Now this is a very cool way to do an advent calendar!!!!


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