Annual Spool Count

twenty-eight empty thread spools
Even though the actual spool count is lower this year, the 2019 spools were larger than the previous two years (see links below), and thus, contained more thread.

I'm happy that I was able to make twenty-one Quilts of Valor and five quilts for the Laramie community for donation in 2019.

                   2018 spools
                   2017 spools

This morning, the bobbins for my machines are wound and ready for 2020.


  1. What a cool thing to do...saving the empty spool thread and then counting them at the end of the year. That us a lot of sewing and the results are amazing.

  2. I'm always inspired by seeing so much thread used.

  3. Wow!!! That's a lot of thread! I buy more than I use lol....

  4. That is a great idea! Every year I say I'm going to keep track of everything I make and do a good job....until February when I start forgetting! :-)
    That is a LOT of thread. Well done and thank you for your dedication, especially the QOV.

  5. Love the spools. I think I’m going to have a banner year. My little bowl is over flowing. What are the big cones from — reg sewing thread or serger thread? Just curious.

  6. Wow! What a great contribution! I love the thread spool idea but I wouldn't remember to save them ! lol

  7. You did a lot! I do well to finish one or two projects!

  8. Way to go! You are an inspiration to many!


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