Winter Quilt-a-Long Mystery

Clue #1 completed
November 2019
Alycia published the first clue for the Winter Quilt-a-Long last week on her blog. She also leads an online group that makes Quilts of Valor. This is the fifth QAL I've made with the group. The other mystery quilts were:
    Lone Rider
    The Patriot
    Star Struck
    Criss Cross
For the Winter QAL mystery, I am using the three fabrics shown in the photo. Alycia told the group that none of the pieces would be smaller than 6.5 inches, so the quilt is beginner friendly. Her clues are easy to follow, and for this QAL, she timed herself as she made the quilt, so each clue takes approximately an hour. Clue #1 took me longer than an hour because I was using some odd cuts of fabric, and I did not press the fabric before starting.

Anyone can join in the fun. All the clues will be published here on Alycia's blog every Wednesday until the mystery is solved.


  1. What fun! I like the fabric choices--I have quite a bit of the vine fabric; I made a whole quilt of those fabrics. I should join in this time, I have only one project to piece and then I am without direction....

  2. Fun! I love the red and the dark blue paired with the beige. So pretty!

  3. I like your fabric choices. I've been watching this one too and had to talk myself out of starting anything else new right now. She has had some really nice mysteries.

  4. Those are pretty fabrics. If I was still quilting I think it would be great fun to quilt along with a group.

  5. Thanks for the heads up. I'll have to look at her website to see what's going on. I would probably have to buy fabric to do this one. But it is worth checking out. I can spare an hour a week, can't I?

  6. What pretty fabric!!! It looks so rich and elegant.

  7. i really really really like your choices!!! Great job!

  8. Someone at our volunteer lunch today gave another a baby quilt She called it a Tussie? It was so pretty. i'll show the photo tomorrow


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