Giving Thanks


  1. Happy Thanksgiving!!

  2. Happy Thanksgiving! Thank you for providing wonderful tidbits to read and reflect on throughout the year!

  3. I'm grateful for you Nancy! Thank you for welcoming me into your blogging "fold".
    Happy Thanksgiving!

  4. Nancy, Thankful for you !! and all you do for Vets

  5. We don't have Thanksgiving down here in New Zealand but that doesn't stop me being thankful for all sorts of things. Such as friendly bloggers and readers who share their lives with me, just like you do. Thanks so much, Nancy.

  6. Blessings to you this Thanksgiving.

  7. Happy Thanksgiving to you--even if you get snowed in!
    Take care!

  8. Happy Thanksgiving! Hope you are cozy and warm throughout the storm. It is due to hit here tomorrow night.

  9. How true -- it's nice to have Blog friends -- kind of like the old pen pals. Hope you had a nice Thanksgiving. I find myself saying things like "My friend Nancy is .... having bad weather, or working on a QOV or knitting." I know I basically think we're good friends. (I know we would be if we lived close to each other.)


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