Out on the Prairie

sun-bleached skull and vertebra bone


  1. Living in the city I forget about this common sight on a prairie.

  2. I’ve never seen bleached bones but I’ve seen a lot of deer carcasses on the streets in many of the places I’ve lived. These bleached bones look much better.

  3. It's so neat to come across stuff like this!

  4. Whoa.....that's quite a find.

  5. Shades of Georgia O'Keeffe. I really like bleached bones - cool to find them.

  6. We've found some of those over the years. I remember how excited the boys were in Yellowstone one year. It always gives me the chills though.

  7. Goodness me, just like the cowboy movies I used to enjoy in my childhood. I was always very fond of Gene Autry and the Lone Ranger!

  8. Interesting find...it has been ages and ages since I have found bones of any kind anywhere.

  9. We find bones here, too-not cattle, though.
    The vultures pick the bones pretty clean and they dry white like that in our sand. Nice find, isn't it ?! (for some reason! lol)

  10. When we lived in North Dakota we had a Wyoming found skull in our flower bed next to a wagon wheel...the neighbors dog kept stealing it:)


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