Winter QAL - Hour 2

trimming and squaring HSTs for Clue 2
November 2019
Alycia's clues are based on when her hour timer goes off. Obviously I'm in a slower gear because I finished sewing the 64 HSTs in an hour, but the pressing and trimming are pushing me closer to two hours per clue. Trimming is only removing slivers or less than an 1/8 inch in some places, but squaring and trimming makes a quilt more accurate. An 1/8 inch can throw everything off.

The Hour 3 clue is being released today, so I'd better hustle and finish trimming the HSTs on the right.


  1. I agree on the timing!!! I'm glad to know I am not the only one who must trim those little bits off to be accurate, too, though!
    On to clue #3 which won't get to be sewn today but I will put it on the design wall to encourage me! lol

  2. Look at all those perfectly trimmed HST!! That's always my favorite part of making them.

  3. I have the fabrics pulled together for this, but haven't actually started it yet. Probably won't happen today, but maybe over the weekend if we have another winter storm roll through here.

  4. I always have to remind myself not to rush. Take the time to do those extra steps (like squaring up) because it really makes a difference!

  5. When I rush It shows in my knitting! and it shows in my truck dents!!!!! Must . slow. down

  6. That's probably why I'm not a great quilter. Not enough patience. Your squares are great.

  7. Love the colors you are using. I enjoy a good mystery quilt challenge, tho I haven't been in my sewing room in awhile.


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