They're Finished!

How I wish I could see this finished bronze sculpture in person; however seeing one of the horses in the beginning stages at the Eagle Bronze Foundry was a real honor.

I saw an article online about the finished sculpture last week on Cowboy State Daily. Now that the sculpture is finished, it will be shipped to Sicily.


  1. I remember you posting that way back and now here they are finished. Just beautiful.

  2. So cool! And, so HUGE!!! I would love to see it in person as well.

  3. Wow. I'm glad they put people in the photo. It really gives you some perspective on how large the sculpture really is!

  4. My goodness! That is gorgeous. I like the perspective with the people in the photo. Otherwise I never would have realized how big it was.

  5. The horses are huge, just amazing. I remember reading your post when you visited the foundry. Such an amazing piece of art.

  6. Sounds like your passport could use a new stamp! ;)

  7. Wow they are impressive! Sicily...far away!

  8. Very cool. I think it is terrific that this foundry is so well thought of. It will be a very expensive trip to Sicily.

  9. Amazing--aren't you glad you got to see them (albeit early on) before they leave the country! Wow!


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