Do You See What I See?

natural plywood covering a broken window
Laramie, WY
September 2019
This natural and unpainted plywood, covering a broken window on a building near the Eagles Hall in Laramie, caught my attention immediately.  In the woodgrain, I see "eyes" lots and lots of eyes - some that look like frogs and others that look like elephants and even humans.

Do you see what I see?


  1. What beautiful detail has emerged on that wood. It also made me think of old silk.

  2. I saw the same thing before I even read what you wrote. About 3/4 up I see a row of owls!

  3. It is like Salvador Dali made plywood.

  4. I missed the owls but I saw the eyes right away. Then I thought there must be something more. So I softened my focus and looked and looked and...nope, just eyes. You're so much fun Nancy!

  5. Oh, wow!!! That's kinda scary.

  6. Definitely can see frogs staring at me with their big googly eyes! Or maybe they are toads.

  7. Well, I first thought of bacon...until I read your comments and then yep, I'm seeing eyes. Way more many eyes than I want to be seeing!

  8. Too much fun! We would have fun looking at clouds together! lol
    I see the frogs and even a lizard but not sure about an elephant!
    I think turning all those eyes you see at first glance, into frog's eyes makes them less scary! A good self-protective psychological technique!

  9. That is one interesting piece of plywood. Would look good with a nice dark walnut stain too.

  10. Lots of eyes, for sure! Who knew plywood could be so interesting?


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