Signs in the Sky

sun dog
Riverton, WY
November 29, 2016
Two consecutive days last week I saw sun dogs: one to the north on Monday and one to the south on Tuesday. My mom always kept an eye on the sky and believed that sun dogs revealed a pending change in the weather - to the north indicated colder weather; to the south, warmer weather.

I groaned inwardly on Monday when I saw the sun dog to the north, as I did not relish having another round of snow. That afternoon and evening, it turned cold and tried to snow/rain. On Tuesday morning, I spied the large sun dog to the south and welcomed the prospect of warmer temperatures.

More information on sun dogs can be found here.

Have you seen a sun dog recently?


  1. Very interesting...never heard anyone speak of a sun dog before.

  2. Thanks for the link - I had never heard of Sun Dogs before. Very interesting. Don't believe I've ever seen one.

  3. My dad always commented on the appearance of sun dogs and so does my husband. We see them fairly often when the weather takes a turn for sharper cold. I've also seen a few double ones, with one on each side of the sun.

  4. I had heard of sun dogs but never knew the predictions that went along with them. I don't remember seeing one myself.

  5. As a matter of fact, YESTERDAY and the day before We saw them while driving. So pretty. They were to the south once and the north once. Mostly I see them on both sides of the sun, actually. Im waiting for the next meteor shower to watch from the hot tub up here in the dark skies!

  6. Interesting.. my dad always comment on them and said they meant cold....We saw them lots in Alberta!

  7. Yes last Saturday to the South...but that didn't pan out to be warmer:(

  8. I hesitate to confess that I have never heard of sun dogs before. I just told my husband that and he said he couldn't believe it! My education is sadly lacking in sun/sky/weather phenomenon. Anyway, it is very pretty!

  9. Sun dogs are new to me, too. There must have been one here behind the clouds because it's supposed to snow tonight. Hope we get home from choir before that happens!

  10. Can't say I've ever heard of sun dogs before. I'll have to keep my eyes open for one. Glad the bad weather skipped you. They are talking snow flurries for next week. Generally the weather changes a lot before it actually reaches us! I'm guessing we'll have more cold weather now that we are 60 miles further north.

  11. I actually have. Last summer I saw TWIN sundogs in the Orlando area. Not sure what two mean. One was on each side of the sun.

    I didn't know that they predicted weather changes.

  12. I've never seen them! I love learning something new! XO

  13. I learned something new. I'll be on the lookout for sun dogs now.

  14. Thank you for sharing sun dogs with us. I have never heard of such a thing. Guess they don't happen here.


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