Kitchen Towel

Hanging Kitchen Towel
December 2016
Mary asked that the items for the Sewing Group gift exchange be sewn this year. I considered many projects, but decided to make the hanging kitchen towel.

The yellow bandana fabric is a Martha Stewart kitchen towel, and because it was quite long, I cut off about four inches.

I found the idea and tutorial here. The pattern for the top must be created, but she does give the dimensions.

Note: I used interfacing for the whole top section and not just where the slit is cut, as I wanted more stability for the edge.

I included another item in the gift box, and will share it in another post.


  1. Cute idea. Love the bandana print!

  2. That's very nice. It would probably drive hubby over the edge having to hang it so carefully! Did you cut the towel in half? I'm trying to imagine how long it would be if you just trim the top hem and add this. I need to find some new towels...this might be a cute way to "spiff" up the kitchen.

  3. These are very clever. I've never seen the bandanna print towels before.

  4. I just LOVE the bandanna print!! Oh course Martha Stewart would make towels like that:)

  5. And I am very happy to be the proud recipient of that towel. I am also using the other clever little gift. Are you going to teach classes for the sewing group on these items?? hint hint Thank you Nancy!

  6. I love that. It would be perfect in a country kitchen!

  7. What a nice gift. I've never seen one made that way before but a lot with crocheted tops. The bandana print is nice and "country".

  8. Perfect!! It turned out very cute with the bandanna fabric:)

  9. Lovely. I love all things bandanna Nancy!


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