
Each region of Oddball Knitters was challenged to create a red/white/black blanket called Genius. Why that particular name or colors were chosen for the blankets is beyond me. I knit the last section on the West Coast/Central Oddball blanket.

Genius was knit on size 6 needles and is 102 stitches wide. It will be sent to the next person who will add the border.

I am starting a new blanket for the group to circulate, using the now empty needles.

Update: July 30, 2011

Genius is finished.


  1. Nice blanket. I was curious about the name chosen though, so I googled those colors for babies. It seems that high contrast colors are developmentally best for babies under 6 months of age and there is company called Genius Babies that makes toys in black, white and red. I'm guessing that's where the name came from.

  2. What a neat concept! Talk about spreading the love...

  3. I like it. I think it's great how the colors are blending together so nicely. It looks both planned and unplanned at the same time. Great work!

  4. Oh, I love this!! That second section from the left is really interesting! Another great blanket!

  5. really nice have only done that concept of working on a project and sending it on once, it was a breast cancer shawl!

  6. It is neat Nancy. Will it be blocked so it doesnt pull on that second section, or is that part of its it anyway

  7. The mosaic stitch pattern makes it very interesting!


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