Gill Street Mural

one segment of Gill Street Mural
Laramie, WY
August 2018
A large mural featuring fish is painted on the back of several Second Street buildings. The open alley in that section allows the viewer to get the full perspective of the mural, but viewing each fish closeup  is necessary to see more of the details and beauty of each fish.

I'll share more of the mural in coming weeks.


  1. Very preetty. Guessing a rainbow trout - one of my favorite!

  2. This is amazing! I would love to linger along the wall and savor it!

  3. WOW! That is so creative. I love the rainbow trout. It looks like a quilted star on it's side. :-) . The rock fish looks pretty cool too.

  4. That sure brightens up the street!

  5. That is an amazing mural and the details are so interesting. You probably see something new every time you look at it.

  6. Whoa......those are some crazy big fish. How spectacular!


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