Holiday Greetings

holiday welcome
stitched in 1986
May all those gathered 
under your roof and around your table 
have a Merry Christmas


  1. Merry Christmas, Nancy. And .... wishing you a very happy 2019 in your new home.

  2. Merry Christmas Nancy! I hope you have a wonderful day. It’s a very quiet one here.

  3. What a great cross stitched memory! Have a wonderful day.

  4. Was out of town and missed this Christmas day but boy it is a beauty.

  5. Luckily we were invited to gather under our son's roof along with his wife's family. It was loud and joyous! We enjoy her parents and all of our grands get along really well. Noisy but fun! We're going back up this afternoon to provide babysitting service -- mostly for tomorrow morning. Despite the partial government shut down our kids all have to work. I think only one is working with out pay for the time being. Sigh.


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