As Promised . . .

amaryllis blooms
December 2018
When I returned from Colorado, I was surprised the short amaryllis plant was in full bloom and had grown a tall leaf. Even though its growth is unconventional, the plant fulfilled the guarantee on the box: it bloomed.


  1. Ha! That really is unusual, but so very, very pretty.

  2. It's lovely. It made its own arrangement!

  3. How beautiful!!! And my mom would say short is very good!
    I'm glad it grew its tall leaf, too!

  4. It's beautiful even though unusual.

  5. I prefer this!!! It won't topple over and it is stunning. Thank you for sharing Nancy

  6. I think it’s beautiful! It’s one leaf standing straight up makes it look like somebody arranged this in the pot. Blessings, Betsy

  7. Sounds like you bought a "bonus" plant. You think you get 2 blooms, but maybe you will get FOUR!

  8. It won't get top heavy and tip over! It is so pretty!


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