Technical Evolution

(click image to enlarge)

Do you still have a telephone with a "tail"?


  1. Hahaha. We do have two phones that are landlines. One is cordless, but the one in our bedroom does have a tail...and I've been threatening to chop it off!

  2. No, we got rid of all of them and just have the cell phones and I am not sorry.

  3. Yes. I do. I used to use it for all my important calls until it died on me recently. I hate when cell phones drop a call. It's so embarrassing.

  4. That was a chuckle! I remember thinking it was a huge technology advance when we got a longer cord so I didn't have to stay in the room with my parents when I talked with friends.

  5. I LOVE Comics Love that evolution

  6. Ha-we finally have the house purged of all the 'old' phones!

  7. Lol. I do have one, but we don't use it. It's a reproduction of a vintage style - heavy, ornate and brass.

  8. Well.....sort of. My cell phone spends a lot of time with its tail plugged into the socket. LOL

    But, no . . . we don't have an old-fashioned phone anymore.

    That comic gave me quite a chuckle! (Do people even USE the word chuckle anymore?)

  9. Nope, we haven't had a landline in quite a while. last phone we had still needed electricity and that made zero sense to me.

  10. We have a landline but it’s cordless. I laughed out loud at the comic. :-)

  11. Yes it is white desktop with a rotary dial in the bedroom:)

  12. Ha! we gave our landline 8 years ago. Don't really miss it although I always wonder if we had an emergency how long would it take to get first responders here since our phone number is from a different state. I need to ask someone about that. Enjoyed the cartoon.

  13. I showed this cartoon to my husband who is a telecommunications consultant. He ended up using it today in a presentation at a big conference. He thought it was so funny.


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