Tavern Blues - nearing the end

attaching the binding to Tavern Blues
June 2018
Tavern Blues is one step closer to being finished. I attached the binding to the front side of the quilt and will begin hand stitching the binding to the back. The hand stitching is a task that I do not enjoy. This quilt is large (96 inches square), so I may have to bribe myself in order to get it done.

How do you motivate yourself to work on tasks that you dread?

* * *
Blogger reported that the problems bloggers have been experienceing the last two weeks are now fixed. My fingers are crossed that they are correct.


  1. That will be so pretty when it is finished. I enjoy hand sewing, so that wouldn't bother me. I don't really bribe myself much...but I might think of what I could work on next as motivation.

  2. Those colors are amazing.

    You pose a really good question. I was trying to think of a task I don't like and came up with ribbing ........I guess I just power through 'cause you can't have a sock without ribbing.

    I hope you are correct about the fix. I suppose we will find out soon enough. LOL

  3. Sometimes I've set up a new project that I'm excited to start as a reward for finishing the old task. And sometimes no motivation really works and I just keep procrastinating.

  4. A deadline works for me! A deadline that is decided by outside forces, i.e., not me just saying I have to finish this my Friday!

  5. I use a good audio book. I am ashamed to say lately it's been true crime. It gets the job done though. The time flies by when I am being horrified.

  6. I won a quilt Nancy!!!!!! Im so excited. I motivate myself to do things i Dont want by: getting right to it and not letting it hang over me

  7. I love hand-stitching binding! If I was closer, I'd do it for you!

  8. Motivation— lots of public talk about need to do. IE my weekly goals and the OMG on Elm Street Blog. Now the real question is why don’t you start practicing sewing both front and back binding by machine? I’ve been doing that for a while. It is not perfect stitching all the time but it definitely is reasonable. Look up two color binding — it makes it a bit easier. Takes a bit longer to get the binding prepped but can add a nice touch.

  9. Since I can no longer do all that hand stitching, I found an acceptable and professional way to do the binding by machine!
    If I have a job I am dreading, I just knuckle down and do it to get it off my back! lol

  10. I enjoy the hand sewing. It's the machine that makes me nervous!

  11. Hand stitching the binding down isn't a chore for me, rather, I quite enjoy it!

  12. PS: I haven't noticed any comments being sent to my email in-box yet, hope that does happen soon.

  13. That quilting is beautiful. I make myself do what I least enjoy first and that way I’m rewarded with more pleasant things afterwards. I also watch knitting podcasts while I do sitting down or chopping veggies, etc. sorts of things.

  14. I enjoy hand sewing bindings but I find an interesting audiobook calls me to sit and bind or knit. My least favorite part is assembling blocks into a top ... that I alternate with tasks that I am more excited about.

  15. I think you should treat yourself with a new book to listen to while you hand stitch the back and of course ice cream could help too:)

  16. I LOVE the hand stitching part!

  17. I like hand stitching most likely since I hate sewing machines:) Now getting out the sewing machine...that requires a reward afterwards...a trip to DQ !!


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