Moon Marble Company

Moon Marble Company
Bonner Springs, KS
August 2015
Last summer's trip across Kansas included a stop at the Moon Marble Company in Bonner Springs, KS.  We attended a short demonstration on how hand-made marbles are formed. It was interesting, but not at all what I expected. 

marble-making demonstration
Moon Marble Company
August 2015
The demonstration area consisted of a small section of bleachers for spectators to sit and watch an employee melt a glass rod and form one small marble.

The gift shop in front of the demonstration area was packed with replicas of vintage games, marbles, and trinkets. Yes, it was a tourist trip, but a fun stop, too.


  1. I find an occasional marble in my garden. They must be at least 40 years old. Very cool. Id let fezzik play with them but he might try to eat I dont

  2. Oh wow, what a neat place to stop at. There are so many neat places out there to see.

  3. Another interesting place to add to my road trip list. I used to have a good sized bag of marbles. Wonder if any of them were hand made?

  4. I have a passion for marbles and always have them around me. When I was growing up there were only boys in our neighborhood so I played a lot of marbles and football. Occasionally I could get them to play dolls with me. I wish I had pictures of that!

  5. I'm sure some of those marbles could be jewelry! Some are just SO pretty!

  6. My daughter lives near Bonner Springs. This looks like it would be a fun little trip some weekend! Didn't even know it was there. Thanks, Nancy!

  7. Are all marbles made this way? I would think they would come up with a machine to do it. I like glass paperweights -- marbles seem to me to be just smaller and round rather than half round.

  8. I love marbles and I have quite a collection! That would have been great fun for me! :)

  9. Your post made me curious enough to seek out a video showing how a glass marble is made by hand. I found it to be very interesting.


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