Foreign Friday

Nancy Stearns and Roy Sargent
Resting on the Towada Lake Trail
Japan 1979
Most of the photos I took while overseas were taken with a Minolta SLR camera. I hauled that heavy, but reliable, camera and lenses with me nearly all the time. It is the first camera I can honestly say that I literally wore out.
With all our camera gear, Roy and I definitely looked like tourists.
Often, I balanced the camera on nearby rocks, cars, etc. to take timed photos that became known as "rock shots."

These two photos were rock shots, taken when Roy and I hiked the trail to Towada Lake. By the time we finally arrived at the lake, we were tired and the skies opened up and dropped buckets of rain. Thankfully, we found someone who agreed to give us a ride back to our car.

Other photos of the Lake Towada area can be seen in these earlier posts.


  1. I love your "rock shots" and your memories of this hike. I've been on hikes like that where the trail tired us out and the rain came pouring down. The only difference was there was no one to give us a ride. That was lucky!

  2. Your smile is contagious - I can't help but smile when I look at these shots. How nice that you took the time to experience and explore the places you have lived.

  3. Love the idea of "rock" shots with that camera. I had a really good camera similar to that (with those long lenses) for the yearbook at school the last few years I was there. It was a work horse. Do the wonderful memories come flooding back as you look at these photos?

  4. ROck SHOTS! love that term. You look so happy Nancy!

  5. Now that was a great camera! I never could afford one...always bought the cheap cameras until Digital then I splurged:)

  6. What fun memories Nancy. I didn't get a good camera until I started blogging.

  7. SELFIES!!!! LOL

    You were cool with it before it was even a THING!

  8. Yep, love the idea of selfies and rock shots! I had a SLR camera in college and took a photojournalism class and developed and printed my own black and whites. I didn't keep up with even the camera too much cause I have bad eyes and couldn't tell if the picture was in focus. Digital works good enough for me now.


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