Foreign Friday - Guest Post

Train Station sign
April 2012
Today's photos are provided by my friend, Sheila N. She snapped these photos at a train station when she and her husband, Doug visited Japan in 2012.
Train Station sign
April 2012
Other trip photos that Sheila shared can be seen here.


  1. I'm not sure what dangerous goods would be...exactly...but I probably wouldn't have them on me...I guess.

    At first I couldn't figure out what was pictured with the cigarette, but now I think it must be a beverage can as in alcoholic beverage.

  2. I'm guessing the first on is "slippery when wet"?

    No smoking ??????

  3. I think Dee is correct about the first one. I think the second one is No Smoking and No Toilet Paper ... ;-)

  4. Haha. Love Bridget's take on the second sign. Not sure about No Dangerous Goods, but I'm sure I'd recognize them if I saw them. ;)

  5. I would definitely need the visual pictures to know what they said :)

  6. The kimonos are beautiful. Would be hard to live my lifestyle in one though. Nancy


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