Additional Cuddle Sacks

Baby Cuddle Sacks
April 2016
All of the worsted yarn that Ellen sent has been knit, and resulted in four cuddle sacks. Note the bit of green at the top of the smaller cuddle sack in the photo. That yarn was remaining from the green ones I finished earlier and posted about here.

Last Monday, I accompanied my friend Sue to a charity knitting group that meets at the Extension Office on the second and fourth Monday of each month. They have yarn available for those who attend, and since I was between projects, I selected two skeins and got to work on another cuddle sack. It came off the needles on Friday.

Baby Cuddle Sack
April 2016
The five cuddle sacks will be laundered and then taken to the local pregnancy center.


  1. I love that you made all of these with donated yarn.

  2. What a wonderful project and even better with donated yarn. I need to find a good near by charity interested in quilts or even quilt tops.

  3. Bless you Nancy! Babies love cuddle sacks and donated yarn and donated knitting make happy babies.

  4. I love that little bit of green in the brown sack! It's perfect. You will make some mommas sleep a lot better as those babies love to be swaddled in sacks!!!!

  5. Wow Nancy! You are so amazing. I can't believe you used all that yarn already. I CAN believe you used it for such good. Your heart is really inspiring. Thanks for being a part of our world.

  6. What a treasure for those babies and moms!

  7. Some very lucky babies will enjoy the warmth of those cuddle sacks.

  8. You are such a wonderful person to do this :)


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