Teamwork Makes It Possible

Sewing the binding on Country Crossroads

Binding is the last step in the quilting process. For Quilts of Valor, the binding is sewn on one side and drawn around to the other side and tacked by hand.

Since I received three quilts back from the volunteer long arm quilters last week, I've been busy doing the finishing work.

Recently, I received several quilts back from long arm quilting volunteers: two quilts from Boise, ID, two quilts from Cheyenne, WY, and one quilt from Miles City, MT.

Today, I mailed another QOV to a volunteer in Dutch John, UT.  I am thankful for the long arm quilters who volunteer their time and talent. Partnering with these and other machine quilters has made it possible for me to complete 46 QOV in the last four years.


  1. It is so wonderful all that you gals do. I'm sure the ones getting these quilts appreciate it very much.

  2. A team approach - such a good idea. I do fine getting the tops done for myself, but then end up waiting quite awhile to get someone to do the long arm quilting for me. So this process would be ideal - some sew, some quilt, some bind. And if obviously works if you can turn out so many quilts.

  3. I am amazed at how many quilts you have completed! It's really fantastic! Yes, it's so wonderful that you gals work together, share your talents, and make these quilts for such deserving Americans!

  4. 46? That's amazing and they are all so beautiful! This is a loving, giving gesture and you are all to be commended.

  5. I just checked the QOV site and it stated you could do the binding either by hand or machine.

  6. Three cheers for all of you, working together to make such beautiful gifts... serving those who serve us all. Thank you!

  7. YOu are so so sweet. Finishing is hard work no matter the project. It is so important to a great project.

  8. Is it harder to work on someone else's project? I usually like seeing something from start to finish.

  9. 46, wow! And to think that I'm having trouble finishing just four! Good work! Much appreciated, too, I'll bet.


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