Back in Time - Summer Helpers

Rich S., Dwight M., Rosa S. Brenda M.
approx. 1978
My nephew and niece from Denver came to the farm and worked for Grandma Rosie for several summers. They milked cows, fed calves, cleaned the barn, fixed meals, mowed the yard, irrigated, worked in the field, and fed cows.

Dwight and his cousin Bruce (from Fargo, ND) slept in a camper near the house and next to the irrigation ditch. Brenda and her cousin Becky (from Fargo, ND) slept in the house.

Some evenings we played Spoons and Nertz, card games that can be quite competitive.


  1. Working hard and playing hard makes for lots of good memories!

  2. What great experiences! My Grands love Spoons...they are competitive:)

  3. Great memories. They really enjoyed going to Grandma's and I think she enjoyed them more.

  4. I love how family came together to work and support each other as well as play :)

  5. You can tell from the picture, the kids were loving it at the farm!

  6. What great memories for cousins! My husband said he had cousins from town who loved to come out and stay at their farm to do similar things you mentioned and to ride horses, etc. But he loved to go stay at the town cousins' and go to work at their family grocery store. Said it was great fun to stock the shelves and put pricing on the cans.

  7. When I was little, my parents threatened to send me and my siblings away to an amish summer camp where we would have had to do those sorts of things. We cleaned up our acts very quickly! Family card game time must have been great!

  8. Nothing is better for a kid than to work on a farm or ranch during the summer. We had our grandson with us for a summer and he worked at the stables near our house. He still says it was the hardest and the best work he has ever done.

  9. Doesn't it seem like families had fewer "issues" when they worked hard and then played card games around the table? I know there were probably bad things back then too, but it certainly seems like "family time" is mostly a thing of the past.

  10. Ahhh... thank you for the stroll down memory lane! When I was at my Grandmother's, I was expected to pitch in on my uncle's farm. I lived on a farm too... but it was more of a gentleman's hobby than a WORKING farm. I have some GREAT memories though!!

  11. What great memories.... I can't imagine working on a farm. We were suburbs and city folks.


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