Back in Time - Go Broncos

Bill H., Nancy S., Joy G., LeRoy S., Susan K., and Nancy J. show
principal, Hank T. (a Raiders' fan) that he was in Bronco territory
approx. 1985
Most of the staff at Wind River High School were Denver Bronco fans, and if they weren't, they got a bit of ribbing from those who were. Hank T. was the principal, ironically from Denver, and was a Raider's fan. The staff donned Orange Crush shirts and decorated Hank's office to leave no doubt that WRHS was Bronco territory!


  1. Too funny...He looks like he was a good sport about it :)

  2. College teams rule here. Our pro teams STINK.

    So you place your loyalties with Florida, Florida State (FSU), or University of Central Florida (UCF). We are UCF fans in this house. Have to be .....the stadium is less than a mile from my house. LOL

    At home in Philadelphia it was EAGLES all the way! (Although, back in the day, that John Elway was pretty cute.) ;-)

  3. Not only was John Elway a cutie...that look in his eye as he lead a come-from-behind win - time after time- was a look his fans couldn't get enough of. His days on the field were so exciting...and those of us staff members that supported the Broncos had a lot of fun speculating, bragging, celebrating, and at times, humbly accepting defeat. Great picture, Nancy. Wonderful memories.

  4. I love the style of glasses from those days, and that the style is back. Great picture Nancy!

  5. Cute. Too bad I'm not a Denver fan; the colors are the same as UVA's. It would be convenient.


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