Foreign Friday

Our tour guide demonstrates how latex is harvested from a rubber tree
December 22, 1979
The notes from my travel journal state, "The rubber tree plantation was the last stop today. A British commander smuggled 22 seeds from Brazil and only 9 seedlings sprouted and were then planted in Singapore. Singapore became the rubber capital for some time. The American company, Goodyear, discovered vulcanization and rubber tires thus caught on."

Up until this tour, I had no idea where rubber originated.

Latex from a rubber tree
Rubber Tree Plantation
December 22, 1979
Other notes from my journal: "Gas in Singapore -  $2.30 a gallon. The government encourages car pooling in the morning and taxes cars for having less than four people inside. The cars on the streets are less than ten years old because older cars are taxed double."


  1. Very interesting...The process is very similar to how we get sap, but just a tad different.

  2. This was so interesting...thanks for sharing.

  3. Amazing! Singapore became the rubber capital of the world from 22 smuggled seeds? That is a huge testimony to mankind's ingenuity and perseverance.

  4. Always fascinating. I have a cactus that sort of bleeds white when its trimmed..hmmmmmm maybe its a rubber too

  5. How interesting! I remember seeing pictures in a book (as a student) about rubber plantations. And the notes about Singapore cars and gas - amazing how far ahead of the times they were in trying to cut back on crowded streets and gas guzzling.

  6. Oh interesting. Rubber...latex...from trees? Doesn't seem a likely source.

  7. Rubber trees are gorgeous, there is just something about their silhouette I just love.

  8. Thank goodness for all those rubber trees! Seems like a slow harvest though. Drip, drip, drip.

  9. That must have been an interesting tour! Kind of like maple syrup with a different outcome.....

  10. That is so interesting. I had no idea where it originated either. I do kind of remember learning about rubber trees in grade school though.

  11. No kidding!? So the rubber tree on my Farmville 2 game isn't such a silly cartoon tree after all? I'd heard of rubber trees and plants, but I thought the were so named because of the texture of their leaves...


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