Autumn Afternoons

Twining on the deck
September 2014
Temperatures have been in a state of flux the last few weeks as Autumn creeps down the mountainside. It can be 80 F one day and 50 F the next. I usually start the day with the house closed and fling open the windows and doors by mid-day. I added a down comforter to my bed about a month ago, and in another month, I'll probably start using the flannel sheets.

Recently, I've been trying to twine outside as much as I can. The lint and strings can be easily swept off the deck, and I can enjoy the gentle breezes. All too soon, it will be too chilly to twine or to knit outside.

How do you like to spend Autumn afternoons?


  1. I have never heard of twining, that looks so interesting and like something I would love to try doing.

  2. Never heard of twining either. Looks like such great texture!

    I love to spend a fall afternoon with my knitting on the porch…..hoping for a hummingbird sighting

  3. I think I would like to come sit and chat with you while you are twining!

  4. Throwing the ball for the dog..or doing something outside...fall outdoor projects:)

  5. The twining does look interesting and I love the texture.

    I love autumn especially because of the warm days and crisp cool nights. This week it was 88 on Monday and barely made 50 yesterday and today. And it snowed in the Black Hills (300 miles west). But we know that we'll still have some lovely warm days left before the end of October.

  6. Oh, do I ever like to spend time out on the porch!! Love the sun, the shade, and fresh air. The rug is looking good!!!!

  7. I like the colors in the rug. I wish we could do anything outside here! It is still too hot (90 degrees today). The weatherman, however, did say that cooler temps are coming next week. I don't believe it!

  8. Your post made me feel so relaxed and soothed but I can't wait for summer. Our days are at long last lengthening and flowers and blossom are bursting everywhere but we still have a few wild cold days in store yet. The rug looks like it's coming along great and is something I've always wanted to do.

  9. If we ever get one, I will let you know. LOL It seems like addition will never get here.

    Your twining is gorgeous.

  10. Oh I've never seen that done! I'm instantly fascinated! I would love to hear more about your process Nancy

  11. The birds probably appreciate your fiber contributions. Wouldn't you like to spy that colorful nest?

  12. I am a twiner! I have done only 10 or so rugs. How do you cut and actually prepare your strips. I have seen many different ways.


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