
Riverton, WY
July 8, 2014
This breath-taking scene was captured with my cell phone at the Wind River Casino. Nancy photographed the same sunset some 15 miles to the west.


  1. Gorgeous! I haven't seen a sunset that pretty in a long time.

  2. It feels like you could see forever! Beautiful sunset photo. Isn't it amazing how good a phone can do photos???

    Remember the cameras we used to have to lug around??? LOL

  3. The phone photo looks great!! It was a stunning sunset...but I really like the tepees in the foreground!

  4. Such a pretty shot - worthy of framing or making greeting cards - well done!

  5. How stunning!!! Thank you both. My sunsets are usually obstructed by homes and buildings in this area……I have to go out of my way for a field or beach view.

  6. Nice! Love the tepees addition!

  7. Amazing. That's quite an image!


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