Foreign Friday

Cartoon from a Taiwan newspaper
December 1979

This cartoon from a Taiwanese newspaper illustrates that Rubik's cube was popular in 1979. I don't have a clue what the caption says.

Even though I spent hours twisting this way and that, I never could solve the cube: could you?


  1. I haven't but my son has and it makes me Crazy!!!

  2. I never had the patience to spend hours and gave up way before that:)

  3. I had a cube...I think I solved it once...and once was enough. Didn't have the patience or desire to improve my skill.

  4. I came close to solving it a few times, but never could quite get it right. And like most games I lost interest after awhile. But I kept one in a basket of puzzles in my classroom and kids would work on it once in a while.

  5. I loved Rubik's Cube but I wasn't as fast at solving it as my kids. I think the caption says, "Rubik's Cube, even when he's not studying, he's learning." I'm guessing of course!

  6. I remember and I couldn't solve it either

  7. I remember when they first came out....nope I could never do it!!

  8. Never could solve it. My son and his friends are toting them around again ... full circle, eh?

  9. Oh yes. I learned to solve it and got pretty fast at it, actually. I've wondered if I could do it again now.

  10. Yes I loved it! One of the neighbor kids just replaced the was no fun after that:)

  11. Nope. Never did solve it. The words probably say ---- silly Americans wasting time with Chinese toy.

  12. We used to have one of those around here, too, but I don't remember anyone solving it. Do you remember the flat squares that could slide around until you got them in the correct order...can't remember what they were called but they were popular way before the Rubic's cube.

  13. I think it takes a mathematical mind to figure it out. I never could solve it, but my son can. He said he learned the algorithms to apply from the Internet.


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