Fiber Guild Retreat

Finished Single and Double Crochet blocks
May 2014
On Saturday, the Fiber Guild hosted a one-day retreat that I hope will become an annual tradition. Two, all-day classes were offered: Beginning Crochet and Dyeing Natural Fiber. Both classes were of special interest to me, but since I could only take one class, I chose Beginning Crochet. When I got home, I wanted to try my new skills: the blocks, shown above, are the result. About eight years ago, I took a class with dismal success, so I am happy with these two blocks, flaws and all.

Mary (our instructor) reviews Jeni and Jean's work. 
Instructors for the classes were Guild members, and they were paid a stipend for their expertise.

Cheryl (the instructor's assistant) checks Vicky and Jeni's progress.
Near the end of the class, Vicky was crocheting with a tiny hook and
crochet thread. Each person mastered Single and Double Crochet and
started a Granny Square. 
Colleen (plaid shirt) was the instructor for the dyeing
class. She raises sheep and angora rabbits and has a
small yarn shop on her farm. 
Rachel (a new Guild member) and LeAnn tend their
dyeing pots. 
Maia watches as Sally adds dye to the dye pot.
The Beginning Crochet class had 9 students, and the Dyeing Natural Fiber had 7 students. It will be fun to hear everyone's comments and impressions about the retreat at the May Fiber Guild meeting on Saturday.

By the time we starting working on the Granny Square, I was more
comfortable with the hook and how to hold the yarn. 


  1. Congratulations on your new crochet skills! Do you have plans for the blocks? I have never crocheted an entire project, but have managed to crochet decorative edges on knitted blankets with satisfactory results.

  2. You did great! Just keep on keeping on:)

  3. Looks like you learned well. Your tension is nice and even. Congrats on the new skill.

  4. How fun. Crochet uses 35% more yarn but is far more efficient that knitting. I love to trim with crochet edging. Good for you for learning a new skill!! Your squares look great

  5. That looked like loads of fun. Either class would have been a good choice. I used to crochet, but the only thing I've done in the past couple of years has been a couple of swirly scarves. I was surprised that I still remembered how to use that crochet hook. I've always wanted to learn to dye fabric however after taking a 1 day batik class many years ago.

  6. What a fun day! Your squares look really nice.

  7. The retreat seemed to be a great success! I know I totally enjoyed the crocheting class. You shot some very nice pictures of the activities and instructors. Nice! Your crocheted blocks look fantastic.

  8. What fun! I'm sure both classes were a hit.


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