Foreign Friday

Rickshaw driver
December 1979
This rickshaw driver catches a cat-nap between customers. He probably had a late night, giving rides to tourists.

Riding in a rickshaw is a delight and a great way to see a city, especially at night. Here's a previous post on my experience.

I loved Singapore and would like to return someday.


  1. I'm fascinated by rickshaws and boats as forms of "public" transportation. I've taken ferries here, but I mean the little row-boat-like numbers...

  2. LOL Some people can nap anywhere. Sure wish I could some days.

  3. I don't think I've ever seen a side-car style rickshaw before.

  4. Great picture...can't imagine sleeping there:0.. You must of had fun on the Rickshaw ride!!

  5. It looks very CLEAN there...was it?

  6. It sounds like an exhausting job. But I think it would be fun to take a rickshaw ride.

  7. A rickshaw tour is on my bucket list!! Seeing him napping reminded me of something I said to an Amazon customer service rep on a weekend, "Thanks for being there." I hope people tell him how much they appreciate his work!!

  8. RIckshaw is quite the way to travel!

  9. You should play around with the tilt shift apps on this photo, it would be fun to see what it looks like then.



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