Cherry Blossoms

Cherry Blossoms
started January 2013
Western Region Oddball Baby Blanket
Needle size 10.5
Bernat Giggles (Tickled Pink)
Stitch: Garter Steps

Update: May 9, 2013


  1. Which blanket did you just finish to start a new one? Pale pinks and white for this one? Nice start! g

  2. Pink, pink, pink, I love that shade of pink right now.


  3. Very pretty pattern and color!

  4. Another aptly named blanket, not only for the color, but also the stitches.

  5. Okay, THIS is destined to be my new favorite. DC was my college town, and there's just nothing like cherry blossoms in the spring...

  6. Very dainty!! Love the name..

  7. OH I love that pattern and that PINK

  8. Oh, what a pretty pink!! The stitch is very nice too. That's going to be another favorite, I believe.

  9. That's a very cute pattern!

  10. Cherry blossum, such a perfect name. How do you manage to name projects without making them cheesy? I'm bad at it.

  11. Ohhhh, I like this stitch pattern! Thank you for the good wishes for surviving our winter weather on my blog. I got about 15 rows in today on the black shawl, watched about a quarter of A Beautiful Mind, and am still waiting for the rain to change over to snow. My guess is the ground is still warm enough that most of the snow if it comes won't stick, but the roads will likely be icy tomorrow morning from the black ice. Supposed to be in the mid 40's by noon with sun, so hopefully that will dry everything out. Have a great weekend!

  12. So pretty! Don't know how I got so behind, must have been the monster sweater. I love looking at all the blankets! And the cartoons, and the parking story. You are one patient person!
    Looks like you had lots of blue skies for your scarf. I have that pattern in my pile somewhere, but it'd have lots of greys, I think.

  13. What a pretty color!!!


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