In a Bind

Yesterday, Alycia put out a call for Quilts of Valor. Currently, she doesn't have any quilts in her QOV pantry, and she has several soldiers on a waiting list to receive one.

I just received my two flag quilts back for the volunteer longarm quilter, and I am tacking down the binding like crazy so I can get these laundered and in the mail to Alycia.

If you or anyone you know can help fill the boxes in Alycia's pantry with Quilts of Valor, please contact her for the mailing address.


  1. You - and your friends - have such good hearts.

  2. Knowing that there's an immediate need is a great motivator. I know you'll have these two quilts in the mail very soon. Keep up the good work.

  3. Hope many quilters will step up to the plate...this is a great cause.

  4. Yes, I noticed Alycia's bare pantry too. I've got a quilt in the works (beige and turquiose one i've shown on my blog) that I can add to to make it the right size. Hopefully they don't mind colors that aren't red, white and blue.

    It is so nice that we quilters have a worthy place to send quilts to. I own way too many now -- but I like to make them and can afford to do so. It warms my heart to give them to these great causes.


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