Simple Woman's Daybook

Monday, November 3, 2008

Outside My Window. . . a storm is brewing. Weatherman predicts 50% change of snow.

I am thinking. . .that Daylight Savings Time is ridiculous. It takes a good two weeks for my body to adapt and even longer for my mind to adjust.

I am thankful... the window installer finally stopped to check one of my new windows that refuses to latch correctly. After accessing the problem, he discovered the window frame has a flaw and is not square, so no amount of fiddling would correct the problem. He will replace the window, but it will take 5 - 6 weeks since they are a custom size.

In the kitchen... the tea kettle is nearly heated. I am anxious for a cup of hot, strong tea.

I am wearing... a pair of slacks and a sweater.

I am creating... a real mess in the family room. I have started raveling wool sweaters again, and the wool fuzz is everywhere. I try to keep the vacuum handy, but despite my efforts, some fuzz manages to escape.

I am going... to vote tomorrow.

I am reading... nothing right now.

I am hoping... to finish my sister's rug this week. I want to put the frame and sewing machine away for awhile: I am tired of cleaning around it.

I am hearing... the muffled sound of a song on the radio.

One of my favorite things... a portable photo printer. It is a handy gadget that allows me to share digital photos right after I take them.

A Few Plans For The Rest Of The Week: on Tuesday I will vote and attend the City Council meeting for PH Awareness Proclamation

Here is picture thought I am sharing...

Take numerous photos to capture memories of ordinary, everyday events.

This is one of my favorite photos taken of my Mom. She is picking crab apples with with my niece Brenda who spent summers working on grandma's farm until she was 15 years old. Brenda milked cows, cleaned the dairy barn every day, fed calves, and did some cooking. She and her Grandma Rosie were great pals.

~If you'd like to particpate in The Simple Woman's Daybook (each Monday), you can visit The Simple Woman's blog here. To get instructions for particpating, click on The Simple Woman's Daybook icon in her sidebar.


  1. We have early voting in Texas, which is nice. I voted on Friday.

  2. I also don't understand why we can't get one time and just stick with it.

    Like Wool Winder, Hubby and I voted early. I guess I assumed that all states had early voting.

    That's a neat picture of your mom and niece, Nancy. When I clicked to enlarge it, I could better see the smiles on their faces, and the obvious enjoyment they had in working together.


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