Pinch Knitting

One of the knitters for Pacific Blues was unable to knit her section, so I offered to "pinch knit" on the preemie oddball blanket for the West Coast group.

It knit up very quickly because it is so small. I used the yarn that accompanied the blanket, the same yarn that was used at the beginning.

Update: December 12, 2008

Pacific Blues is complete.


  1. Isn't blue a fun color to work with?

  2. The blanket is lovely. I can just picutre a teenie preemie snuggled in it. :-)

  3. I'm still waiting for a blanket to get to my house. It seems there was a delay on the one I signed up for. Oddball knitting may not be for me, but I do like the idea of a combined effort.

  4. What a neat way to share the love, having different people knitting together different pieces. They join together perfectly.


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