
My great-niece called a few weeks ago with a Christmas request: a sweater for her American Girl Doll. I told her that I would try to knit one for her, but I made no promises because I did not have a pattern.

A quick Google search resulted in several patterns that could be purchased, but I didn't want to spend money for a pattern that I would only use once. The free patterns I found did not appeal to me, so I asked my sister to measure the doll. Armed with those measurements, I took a baby sweater pattern that I already had and down-sized it. My sister was pleased with the result and asked me to knit another sweater for my other great-niece's baby doll.


  1. You are so very talented Nancy. Beautiful work... wish we were close enough that you could teach me -- knit one, pearl two... that's all I remember....
    You and your group are doing an awesome job for awareness of ph as well. Thank you for doing that.

    Smile -- it's contagious

  2. those are really sweet little sweaters. The girls will be thrilled, I'm sure!

  3. I am so impressed! I hope to one day be a good enough knitter that I can do that for a pattern. It's really cute, Nancy!

    By the way, in case you're interested for future reference, Major Knitter does a lot of knitting for her American Doll, and she has some free sweater patterns on her site for them. Here's the link in case you want to see them:

    Happy Thankgiving! :-)

  4. They are sure to be loved! I remember how important it was to have a change of clothes for my Barbie doll. My grandmother once sewed a whole wardrobe for my doll. I still have that doll and the clothes.


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